Training of specialist staff, applied research in the field of wood technology

Location: School for Wood processing, Forestry and Design, Lesarska ulica 2, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

Contact: Mr Aleš Hus, Director

Tel: +386 41 697 027



Estimated value: Other


The School for Wood processing, Forestry, and Design in Maribor is a public institution that successfully educates staff for the economy in secondary and tertiary education. In the field of secondary education, we carry out a forestry program (forester, forestry technician) and a woodworking program (woodworker, joiner, woodworker). In tertiary education, we run a woodworking program (wood engineer) and a design program (design engineer). We are the only educational institution of this kind in Slovenia to cover the entire forest timber chain, from forestry to the design of timber products. The Institute has many years of experience in the field of application program education and extensive contacts with economic operators. 

Benefits for investitor

Working with our institute is an opportunity for the investor to gain access to quality educated staff and consequently, better educated employees and higher returns. An investor can afford to train specialist staff.

Investment value

 150.000 EUR

Desired form of investment and possible conditions

 The form of the investment and the terms are agreed by the parties.


Development strategy

The proposal contributes to the achievement of objective no. 2 Strategies for the Development of Slovenia 2030 by developing knowledge and skills for life and work and promoting the development of science and research and linking the education system with the economy in accordance with the needs of the labor market and the developmental capabilities of the regions.

Forest-timber chain activity


wood working and processing,

manufacture of paper and paper products.

Type of investment

Modern technology, equipment or infrastructure,

development of human resources (eg. training of specialist staff, etc.),

forest and use of forest area,

implementation of forest functions (timber production function, acquisition of other forest assets, hunting and economic function, recreational, tourist, educational, research, hygiene and health function, etc.).