Country: Slovenia

Address: JAZBINA 9A, 3240 Šmarje pri Jelšah

Tel: +386 51 640 075

E-mail: info@vitli-krpan.com

Webpage: http://www.vitli-krpan.com

Description of the company

Vitli KRPAN is proud to be the company with the longest tradition in production of forestry winches in Slovenia, which started in 1977.

Additional data about company

Vitli KRPAN is proud to be the company with the longest tradition in production of forestry winches in Slovenia, which started in 1977. Several decades of experience in this field clearly serve as the company’s major competitive advantage, as well as a guarantee for quality, durability and the “strength” of its products.
The forestry winch still remains the most important product of the company, for Vitli KRPAN gladly presents itself as the world’s leading winch manufacturer. The production range also, includes hydraulic log splitters, tractor tipper boxes, circular saws with conveyor belts, firewood bundlers and wood grapples, which contribute to an increasing market share in domestic and foreign markets. We are proud to enrich our offer and launch forestry trailers with cranes and firewood processors.
Vitli KRPAN is the only European company providing a 3-year warranty for its robust, reliable products with a distinct design and long-term use. Furthermore, the products are available at more than reasonable prices.

Main activity in accordance with NACE classification

Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery

Main activity in accordance with CPA classification

Production of:
28.22.12 Logging winches
28.22.13 Forestry cranes
28.49.12 Splitters and firewood processors
28.92.61 Skidding grapples
29.20.23 Forestry trailers

Description of the company

Size: 19.000 m2
Number of employees: 183
Income: ca. 24 mio. €
Export share in income: 88 %
Tradition since: 1977

Description of the business needs/requirements

Looking for distributors

Target regions and countries where a company exports

Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, United Kingdom, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Norway, Canada, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, N. Macedonia, Australia, …