Business conference: Design and construction of advanced smart nearly zero energy wooden buildings
Working group: Promotion of high-tech wood-based products
Investors, research community and representatives from 16+1 countries met at Tianjin, between China, 25th and 26th of May 2017 for the business conference dedicated to “Design and construction of advanced smart nearly zero energy wooden buildings” as part of the activities under the 16+1 forestry initiative and its Working group “Promotion of high-tech wood-based products”. The representatives from Slovenia, China, Estonia, Czech Republic, Romania and Italy explored the possibilities to link the relevant stakeholders in the field of advanced smart nearly zero energy wooden buildings to create the business environment and to enhance the cooperation within the 16+1 stakeholders in this field.
More than 30 participants explored the possibilities Connect partners in the fields of architecture, engineering, production, design and construction of smart one or multi-storey/high rise buildings and structures with focus on nearly zero energy (nZEB) or plus energy designs with state-of-the-art supporting HVAC systems (heating, ventilation, air condition) and BMS – building management systems (shading, lighting, etc.), low-ex technologies (free cooling, free heating, weather predicted operations) etc. and to establish pilot projects in China with the latest technologies and know-how, build up skills to support further implementation and development of such projects, build platforms for investors and interested parties to exchange projects, technologies and information, research the similarities and differences between CEE and China regulations governing nZEB development and construction.
The participants specifically concentrated on the
- organisation and building of pilot and demonstration nearly zero or plus energy wooden buildings in various regions and climatic conditions including advanced monitoring systems;
- designing platforms for education, trainings, mobility, on-side skill development for wooden nearly zero or plus energy buildings engineering and construction including design for possible disassembly;
- joint R&D, design and engineering projects for high rise wooden buildings;
- technology exchange in 16+1 for wooden buildings design and production;
- organisation of joint promotional and demonstration events, showcasing of good practices, promotion of project achievements, presentation of 16+1 partners, industrial solutions and products;
- preparing a design guidance for promoting human health with interior wood use, natural illumination, improved indoor air quality including control and filtration of PM2.5 and PM10, ergonomic and adaptable comfortable interiors;
- organizing innovative ways for faster gathering and development of ideas, cross-country exchange of experts, their knowledge, connections between industry/market issues and possible solutions providers, fast-forwarding innovative ideas from idea to implementation ;
The main event was followed by the roundtable discussion on nZEB, where participants shared their views on the:
- Exchange of knowledge on nZEB (current status, the development so far, good practices…);
- The EU nZEB legislation, i.e. the current legislation regarding nZEB and any future developments of it;
- The possible available financial instruments dedicated to this field, i.e. subsidies available, how do they work? Who is responsible for creating subsidy programmes? – Are there any financial support systems for energy restoration of existing buildings?
- Regional experiences on wood as a construction material? Challenges and opportunities for further development of nZEB buildings in China?
- Sharing good practices
- Local university’s training programmes in new technologies connected with nZEB?
- Available pilot projects and how to access them
- Opportunities and challenges in China – Europe cooperation in these fields?
You can find the full report in the documents section on this link.